Tooth Extractions - Forest Lake, MN

Removing Teeth for the Good of Your Smile

There are certain cases where the only viable option for protecting your oral health is to have a tooth removed. Naturally, we will always consider options for keeping your natural smile intact before we resort to taking out a tooth. But if tooth extraction is necessary, your comfort will always come first, and our team at G2 Dental will be there to help you at every step of the process. If you think you need a tooth extraction and would like more information about the procedure, please call us.

Why Choose G2 Dental for Tooth Extractions?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments
  • Fully Customized Bridges and Dentures
  • Caring & Calming Team to Ease Anxiety

When are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

A tooth will need to be removed if fixing it is no longer a viable option. As an example, some teeth may be severely damaged to the point where they are incapable of supporting crowns; such teeth generally need to be taken out of the mouth to avoid further issues. Other situations that may warrant extraction include teeth that have come loose due to gum disease, severely infected teeth causing damage to underlying jaw bone, teeth with root fractures, and baby teeth that aren’t coming loose on their own (which can cause overcrowding and movement of adjacent teeth).